the Windsor Star on Saturday, January 18, 2020. The notices included a list of lots to be specially charged and the estimated cost per linear metre frontage and for private drain connections. Property owners were given the option to pay these costs annually over a period of ten (10) years. Interest at prescribed rates would apply to the overall cost and the annual payment would be made through a charge added to the final property tax bill.

In accordance with O. Reg. 586/06, property owners have thirty (30) days from the date the notice is sent to submit to the City Clerk an objection in writing to the work being undertaken as a local improvement. The deadline for objections was Tuesday, February 18, 2020. Five (5) objections were received by the deadline with an additional objection received Wednesday, February 19, 2020. Additionally, on March 11, 2020, a petition was filed with the clerk signed by owners of twenty-four (24) properties on Baseline Road. This petition was not checked for sufficiency but was considered in the writing of this report.

The majority of the objections to the project concerned the costs of paying for the sanitary sewer and private drain connections within the public right-of-way in addition to the cost of septic sewer changeover.

Extension of Repayment Terms to 20 Years

On April 27, 2020, Council received a report from the City Engineer in response to CQ3- 2020 “Extended Payment Terms for Drainage/Local Improvement Assessments”. As a result, Council passed CR136/2020 that states, “That a 20-year payment option for property owners to repay special charges for drainage and local improvements BE IMPLEMENTED at interest rates deemed appropriate by administration.”


The objections received from the residents on Baseline Road prompted Administration to consider the impacts of the 2019 Policy on this project and to explore ways to address the objections received. The following sections consider the resulting proposed changes to the 2019 Policy, suggested next steps for the Baseline Road municipal sanitary local improvement and a new option for a private local improvement.

Local Improvement Policy

As discussed above, the 2019 Policy has undergone review and revision in response to concerns raised by homeowners. Further Administration took the opportunity to review the policy as a whole to address various inconsistencies and provided additional clarity. The proposed policy is attached as Schedule “A” with the major revisions summarised as follows:
