In order to ensure that the public consultation is robust and that residents without internet access have an opportunity to review and comment on materials presented to the public, the following measures are proposed:

“Pilot” Before Traffic Calming Policy Update

The Traffic Calming Policy is due for its 5-year review in September 2020. Alternative approaches taken in response to the COVID-19 emergency allow for the evaluation of new approaches that could be considered by Council for inclusion in a Traffic Calming Policy update.

With traditional traffic data collection using automatic traffic recorders and tubes placed across the roadway, traffic data cannot be collected in summer months (since traffic volumes are not representative of normal conditions) or during the winter maintenance season (since the tubes are vulnerable to damage by plows). Because of this, even under ideal conditions, traffic calming requests may wait for up to several months to be reviewed.

In contrast, the purchase of a subscription to a GPS-based traffic data service will allow the review time for traffic calming requests to decrease significantly, since traffic data is available immediately at all times of year.

GPS-based traffic data services also allow types of analysis that were not practical previously, such as directly measuring the percentage of trips on a street that are cut-through traffic. These capabilities may create opportunities for new approaches that Council may choose to incorporate into the Traffic Calming Policy; an evaluation and recommendations will be included when the draft Traffic Calming Policy update is brought forward for Council’s consideration.