Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Councillor Costante requests clarification related the motion to be adopted if the recommendations in the conclusion were utilized. Administration provides the clarification.

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 760

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to update the School Neighbourhood Policy to allow for School Zones to be posted without the requirement of the reduced speed limit; and,

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to develop a Policy on how Community Safety Zones are selected and implemented; and,

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to provide an additional report as part of 2021 budget process highlighting the progress of the Automated Speed Enforcement program in other Municipalities, provide budget estimates for Windsor based on preferred locations to implement ASE; and request approval to enter into discussions with the Ministry of Transportation Ontario, the ASE program vendor and the City of Toronto if so directed; and,

THAT Administration BE REQUESTED to work with the Provincial Offenses Division regarding potential necessary changes to the current Provincial Offences Agreement, and that this information BE PROVIDED to City Council as part of the additional report during the 2021 budget deliberations.
Councillor Francis voting nay.

Report Number: S 45/2020

Clerk’s File: ST/13765

8.6. Additional Information - CQ 5/2019 - Implementing Red Light Cameras - City Wide

Councillor Francis inquires about the cost to implement red light cameras. Shawna Boakes, Senior Manager Traffic Operations & Parking Services, indicates that the first steps are to enter into an agreement with the actual vendor and with the City of Toronto. She adds that through her research of surrounding municipalities the cost is approximately $52,000 per year per camera.

Councillor Francis asks if there are other options other than the City of Toronto. Ms. Boakes replies that at this time she is not aware of another option and she adds that if the City of Windsor wishes to set up their own processing centre, it would involve a lengthy process with the Ministry of Transportation.

Councillor Francis refers to the report and the approximate 7,300 collisions at an intersection, 50% rear end collisions and asks if the red light cameras can make the situation worse in terms of rear end collisions. Ms. Boakes responds that municipalities using the cameras have reported an increase in rear end collisions.