Essex-Windsor Residential Waste Diversion

Annual Report for January – December 2019

1 Introduction

The Annual Waste Diversion Report provides information on the waste diversion activities carried out by the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority during 2019 in compliance with Condition 5.2 of the Environmental Assessment Approval for the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill.

1.1 Residential Waste Diversion Rate 2019

This report also provides the Authority with the ability to track any changes in the percentage of waste diverted through its waste diversion initiatives from year to year.

In 2019, the seven County of Essex municipalities and the City of Windsor delivered 102,452 tonnes of residential waste to the Regional Landfill. During the same time period, 56,047 tonnes of residential waste were diverted from the landfill via the blue and red box recycling program, municipal hazardous or special waste program, composting, and other waste diversion programs. These waste diversion initiatives resulted in a 2019 residential diversion rate of 34.4%. The 2018 diversion rate was 36.3%.