The City of Windsor’s Property Standards By-law 9-2019 states that all sewage shall be discharged directly into a municipal sewage system where one is available. Further, a property shall be deemed to be serviced by an available City sewer system if the sewer system is within 30.0 metres of any said property abutting municipal rights-of-way.

Property owners fronting on County Road 42 with rear lot frontage on Baseline Road were included in the list of assessable properties since they will have access to and will be required under by-law 9-2019 connect to the proposed sewer on Baseline Road. There are currently no plans in the approved 8 year capital budget to extend a sanitary sewer on County Road 42 between 7th Concession Road and 8th Concession Road.

In response to property owner objections, Administration reviewed options to address this. The following recommendations by Administration are being offered for Council’s consideration:

Property Standards By-law 9-2019 states that in the event a City sewer system becomes available, the property owner will have one (1) year to connect to the available sewer and decommission the private sewer system. A search of permit records found that four (4) properties have replaced their septic systems between 2008 and 2018 with new Class 4 leaching bed systems as recommended in the Ontario Building Code. These properties are 3149, 3530, 3716 and 3965 Baseline Road. No additional properties have been issued permits by the City to replace their septic systems.

Administration recommends offering a three (3) year extension to connect to the proposed sewer on Baseline Road after the sewer becomes available to the four homes listed above in recognition of the cost incurred to replace their septic system in recent years. This recommendation is in keeping with a similar extension granted