10. Waste Disposal

A. Tender Results for Front End Wheel Loader for Transfer Station #2

The Manager of Waste Disposal referred to page 10 of the agenda package. The report is to recommend the award of tender for one Caterpillar 938M Front-End Loader and a 5-year or 10,000-hour service contract to Toromont Cat.

The Manager of Waste Disposal explained that the Loader is to be used at the Transfer Station in Kingsville to load waste trailers for transport to the Regional Landfill. The new Loader will replace an existing 7-year old Caterpillar 930K Loader. The existing Loader will be re-allocated and placed into service at the Regional Landfill and will replace a 2007 Caterpillar 938G Front End Wheel Loader which has reached the end of its useful life. The front-end loaders at the Regional Landfill are primarily used in the production of compost from the yard waste collection program.

The tender was issued on December 27, 2019. The tender was emailed to 6 different equipment suppliers, posted on Biddingo, MERX and EWSWA websites and advertised in the Windsor Star and County newspapers. The tender closed on January 23, 2020 and bid packages were received from Toromont Cat and Brandt Tractor Inc. A public tender opening took place at 1:05 pm on Thursday, January 23, 2020. The bid packages were reviewed for compliance with no issues.

The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that Toromont submitted the lowest overall bid which includes a maintenance contract. He also stated that although Brandt was lower on their maintenance contract, their overall bid was still higher than Toromont.

The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that the delivery date of May 29, 2020 committed by Toromont meets the Authority’s needs.

The Manager of Waste Disposal referred to the table on page 11 of the agenda package which outlines the tender prices received by Toromont and Brandt.

The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that the loader will be used for 7 years. After the five-year maintenance contract, the cost of the maintenance for the remaining 2 years will be on a time and materials basis and will be included in annual budgets at the time.

The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that the purchase of the new loader will be funded by at least $40,500 from the sale of the 2007 loader with the balance being funded by Equipment Replacement Reserve. He also stated that there will be no negative impact on the 2020 budget.

The Manager of Waste Disposal asked if there were any questions.

Mr. Morrison asked if the loader is expected to last 7 years. The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that the current loader is 13 years old. It has been used at Transfer Station #2 for 7 years and the other 6 years at the Regional Landfill. Mr. Morrison