Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

8.4. Preparations for Recycling Transition to Extended Producer Responsibility - City Wide

Councillor Francis inquires about the opportunities to ensure cost savings. Anne Marie Albidone, Manager, Environmental Services appears via teleconference before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Preparations for Recycling Transition to Extended Producer Responsibility and responds by indicating that there are several details to be worked out in the transition process. She notes she along with the Manager of Windsor Essex Solid Waste Authority are participating in a group that are advocating to the Ministry on behalf of municipalities.

Councillor McKenzie refers to one of the recommendations in the report that provides a date to transition recycling collection to full producer responsibility. Ms. Albidone indicates that at this time there is some speculation based on the current collection contract. Ms. Albidone adds that the two main aspects of recycling include processing and collection. The City of Windsor is in charge of its own collection through Green for Life. The processing is done by the Windsor Essex Solid Waste Authority. The City of Windsor’s contract with Green for Life expires on August 27, 2024. Based on current information, it can be determined what the costs will be if the contract is terminated early or if it is extended or terminated on the exact date of the contract. Ms. Albidone notes that the report includes their recommendations at this time and in no way binds Council as there is uncertainty whether municipalities will be able to make the choice. Ms. Albidone indicates that there is a possibility that the Province could decide that they will determine which municipalities transition.

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: ETPS 759

THAT Council ENDORSE the following resolution:

WHEREAS the amount of single-use plastics leaking into our lakes, rivers, waterways is a growing area of public concern;

WHEREAS reducing the waste we generate and reincorporating valuable resources from our waste stream into new goods can reduce GHGs significantly;

WHEREAS the transition to full producer responsibility for packaging, paper and paper products is critical to reducing waste, improving recycling and driving better economic and environmental outcomes;

WHEREAS the move to a circular economy is a global movement, and that the transition of Blue Box programs would go a long way toward this outcome;