4.5 Deposit/Return Program

The Authority implemented a capture program at its Material Recovery Facility for deposit/return containers (i.e. aluminum beer cans; glass, wine and spirit bottles) that were placed curbside for blue box collection and continued to be successful in 2019. During 2019, approximately 39 tonnes of deposit/return containers were received at the MRF and are included as part of the 2,196.94 tonnes that were diverted throughout Essex-Windsor as part of the Deposit/Return & Stewardship Program. The 2,197 diversion tonnes figure is calculated as part of the 2019 Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority Datacall and is based on the Essex-Windsor population as determined by the latest Statistics Canada Census data.

Table 9: Other Recyclables Comparison: 2018 versus 2019

Recyclable Material 2019 Tonnes 2018 Tonnes % Change
White Goods (all sites) 279 227 42.73%
Used Tire Program 2,831 2,831 0.00%
Scrap & Mixed Metal 660 644 2.48%
Electronics 253 270 -6.30%
Deposit/Return & Stewardship Program 2,197 2,197 0.00%
Total Other Recyclables 6,220 6,169 1.56%

Note: RPRA Datacall calculation is based on population for Used Tire Program and Deposit/Return & Stewardship Program in the Essex-Windsor area as reported by the Statistics Canada Census. .

5 Residential Organics

5.1 Yard Waste

Grass, leaves, tree trimmings and brush are restricted from disposal at the Essex-Windsor Regional Landfill Site. As a result many local municipalities have established separate collection systems for yard waste, including special collections in January for Christmas trees. Furthermore, individual residents and grounds maintenance contractors also brought yard waste to one of the three yard waste depots operated by the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority in 2019.

The Essex-Windsor area accepts the use of paper bags, wheeled carts, garbage bins and cardboard boxes for the collection of yard waste. Plastic