Item No. 8.2

Council Report: S 78/2020

Subject: Riverside Drive at Ford Boulevard - Speed Review - Ward 6


Date to Council: June 24, 2020
Author: Jeff Hagan
Transportation Planning Senior Engineer
519-255-6267 ext 6003
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: May 29, 2020
Clerk’s File #: ST2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT report S 78/2020, “Riverside Drive at Ford Boulevard - Speed Review,” BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



At its May 6, 2019 meeting, Council passed the following resolution regarding report S 69/2019, Riverside Drive / Ford Boulevard Pedestrians - Additional Signage:


That the report of the Transportation Planning Engineer dated March 20, 2019 entitled Riverside Drive / Ford Boulevard Pedestrians - Additional Signage BE RECEIVED for information; and further,

That administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with the speed trailer and reviewing the addition of the 40 km/hr signs in the subject area.

This report provides the requested additional information.