The EWSWA website ( is updated on a regular basis to provide detailed information and public education to residents. Topics covered range from waste management and reduction, to details about waste diversion activities. Residents have access to instructions, tenders, reports, calendars, acceptable recycle box materials, incentives, etc. In 2019 there were approximately 38,000 hits on the website bringing the total hits to 281,077 hits since the launch of the new website in 2012; the monthly average hits in 2019 had a duration of approximately 1.47 minutes. The ‘What Goes Where’ material search database resulted in 8,598 searches; municipal calendar searches were at 13,396 and PDO, Windsor at 8,164 searches in 2019. In 2019, method of access by device was 53.6% mobile; 39.5% desktop computer and 6.9% tablets.

Recycle Coach is an app which makes recycling and collection schedule information easy to find. The app is continuously developing new programs that combat complacency and gets people re-engaged in recycling. It promotes best practices ideas on better waste management to improve outcomes such as increasing the amount recycled, proper disposal and diversion of solid waste, etc. In 2019, EWSWA made it a priority to promote this app and get local residents onboard with accessing information around solid waste through this app. As a result, increased metrics listed below were noted for Recycle Coach in 2019:

EWSWA also continues to maintain a presence in social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. EWSWA started with 30 Twitter followers in January 2015 and had 755 followers by December 2019. EWSWA has 1,130 followers on Facebook with the highest reach of 17,200 on the “What is the Oops Sticker?” in a 2019 post.

6.4 Gold Star Program

In 2016, the Authority launched a new recycling incentive program aimed at increasing public awareness regarding the red and blue box recycling program. Residents were encouraged to apply for a new “Gold Recycling Box” through a program that evaluated their curbside recycling, provided feedback and rewarded successful recyclers with a gold box. The program’s