WHEREAS the City of Windsor is supportive of a timely, seamless and successful transition of Blue Box programs to full financial and operational responsibility by producers of packaging, paper and paper products;

AND WHEREAS the Association of Municipalities of Ontario has requested municipal governments with Blue Box programs to provide an indication of the best date to transition our Blue Box program to full producer responsibility;


THAT given the information available at this time, the City of Windsor intends to transition their Recycling Collection program to full producer responsibility on August 27th, 2024; and,

THAT this decision is based on the fact that this transition date coincides with the expiration of the current Service Agreement for Recycling Collection; and,

THAT the City of Windsor would be interested in providing collection services to Producers should we be able to arrive at mutually agreeable commercial terms; and further,

THAT any questions regarding this resolution can be directed to the Manager, Environmental Services; and further,

THAT the resolution be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Report Number: S 23/2020

Clerk’s File: SW2020

8.5. Additional Information - CQ 5/2019 - Implementing Photo Radar - City Wide

Councillor Francis requests that administration provide the cost of implementing photo radar city wide. Shawna Boakes, Senior Manager Traffic Operations & Parking Services appears via teleconference before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Additional Information – CQ5/2019 – Implementing Red Light Cameras and states from the information gleaned from other municipalities and the fact that photo radar has not been implemented in another municipality, the initial costs are unknown at this time. Ms. Boakes adds that photo radar will only be allowed in community safety zones and school zones.

Councillor McKenzie refers to cost sharing between the City of Windsor and other municipalities that are part of the Provincial Offences Agreement and asks administration for clarification regarding how the resources will be directed. Ms. Boakes notes that if the City of Windsor were the only municipality doing this program, any revenue received would be dispersed as per the current Provincial Offences Agreement.