agreement on behalf of the City subject to approval as to technical content by the Executive Director of Operations, financial content by the Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer and form as to the City Solicitor.

Report Number: S 48/2020

Clerk’s File: ST/13762

8.3. Fire Stations No. 2 and 5 Project Completion Report

Councillor Francis inquires about the status of the property on Cabana Road. France Isabelle-Tunks, Senior Manager of Engineering/Deputy City Engineer appears via teleconference before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Fire Stations No. 2 and 5 Project Completion Report and indicates that the property was put up for sale, however, the sale was placed on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Councillor McKenzie inquires about the sale of the lands and what happens with the funds and he comments that all of the recommended projects may not be completed with the surplus that will be generated. Ms. Tunks indicates that there was a delay in selling Station No. 5 until the new site was ready and operating, now the site is for sale with the funds from the sales used to offset previous expenses.

Councillor McKenzie provides comments regarding the six projects identified and expresses concern that the surplus wouldn’t be sufficient to complete these projects and would create a shortfall. Ms. Tunks responds that some of this work has been completed and some of the work involves tracking and doing inspections of the sites over a ten-year period, thus the need to hold funds in a reserve.

Administration provides details related to the reserve fund and indicate that all variances related to any projects undertaken by the City are released as public information.

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: ETPS 758

  1. THAT the report for completion of Fire Stations No. 2 and 5 BE RECEIVED for information; and,

  2. THAT City Council APPROVE the establishment of a Species At Risk Reserve Fund, pending the sale of the former Fire Hall Station No. 5; and,

  3. THAT City Council APPROVE the transfer of the total project surplus, following the sale of 1905 Cabana Road West, to the new Species at Risk Reserve Fund.

Report Number: S 209/2018

Clerk’s File: SF/11843