7. Absenteeism

Any member who is absent from 75% of the meetings held within a year without a valid reason or the express approval of the Council will be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.

8. Quorum

The quorum of the WindsorBicycling Committee is 6 voting members.

9. Frequency of Meetings

The Committee shall hold 4 (four) meetings in each calendar year.

10. Conduct of the Meeting

Meetings shall generally be guided by the following:

  1. The order of business shall ordinarily be as set out in the Agenda, except that the items may be taken up out of order or added to the agenda at the discretion of the Chair by a majority vote of the members present.

  2. All decisions of the Committee shall be made by resolution approved by a majority vote of all members present.

  3. The Chair shall generally conduct the meeting in accordance with standard Rules of Procedure.

  4. In the event of absence of the Chair, a person chosen by a majority vote of the members present shall chair the meeting provided a quorum is present.

11. Agenda and Minutes

An Agenda will be provided prior to each meeting. Committee members may suggest items for the agenda to the Chair who may direct that item to be scheduled.

Minutes shall be taken of all meetings of the Committee and shall be distributed as soon as possible to all Committee members.

All matters related to recording and distributing the Minutes shall comply with the City of Windsorpolicies governing the recording and distribution of the Minutes of a Committee of City Council.