THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WINDSOR Office of the City Clerk - Policy, Gaming, Licensing and By-law Enforcement 

LiveLink REPORT#: 18201 Report Date: December 19, 2019
Author’s Name: Craig Robertson, Supervisor of Date to Windsor Licensing
Licensing & Katherine Donaldson, Corporate Policy Coordinator Commission:
January 22, 2020
Author's Phone: 519 255-6100 ext. 6869  Classification #: Committee Direction
Author's E-mail:   

To: Windsor Licensing Commission

Subject: Regulation of Licensed City of Windsor Pet Shops 


  1. THAT the Windsor Licensing Commission RECEIVE the report Regulation of Licensed City of Windsor Pet Shops dated December 19, 2019 AND;

  2. THAT the Windsor Licensing Commission provide DIRECTION to Administration regarding the optionsoutlined in the report.



On May6, 2019, Councillor Kusmierezyk asked the following question of Administration:

CQ 8-2019 ‘That Administration report back on what other municipalities have done to update the Pet Shops section of the Animal Control By-law; including banning the sale of pets for profit, and provide recommendations going forward.’

The current Pet Shop Schedule of the City’s Business Licensing by-law, attached as appendix A, includes a number of provisions to ensure the safety, wellbeing and security of all animals sold in Windsor. This includes provisions restricting the sale of certain types of animals in the City,