Every application for a keeper’s license shall be submitted by Licence Commissioner to the Windsor/Essex County Humane Society for an inspection, and any report received by the Licence Commissioner in response thereto shall be considered in the determination of whether or not the license should be issued or refused in accordance with this schedule.

The Licence Commissioner may require, at any time, an applicant or license to file a letter from the Inspector of the Windsor/Essex County HumaneSociety containing a report of an inspection carried out by him stating whether or not every Pet Shop used or intended to be used for the sale of animals or birds is adequate with respect to construction, size, number of animals that occupy or are intended to occupy the pet shop, drainage, sanitation and cleanliness and that the pet shop is sprayed with chemicals or equipped with other devices to repel and control fleas, flies and rodents and that the pet shop is deodorized by suitable deodorant.

Every keeper shall comply with and ensure compliance with the following requirements in the operation of the pet shop kept by him or her:

  1. Every licensee who operates a licensed pet shop shall keep his or her license prominently displayed in the interior of such pet shop at all times during the currency of the license.

  2. The pet shop shall be maintained at all times in a sanitary, well ventilated, clean condition, and free from offensive odors.

  3. Every animal and bird shall be kept in sanitary, well-bedded, well-lighted, clean quarters, kept at a temperature appropriate for the health requirements of the type or species of animal or bird housed therein.

  4. Where the quarters used for the housing of any animalor bird form part ofor are physically attached to a building used for human habitation or to which the public haveaccess, such quarters shall have concrete or other impermeable floors with a drain opening constructed as a plumbingfixture, and suchfloorshall be thoroughly cleaned and washed with waterat least once each day, or moreoften than once if necessary to keep the said floorclean.

  5. Every cage or other container used for the keeping or housing of any animal or bird shall:

    1. Be of adequate size to permit any such animal or bird to stand normally to its full height, to turn around,and to lie down in a fully extended position.

    2. In the case of a cage or other container used to keep or house only birds, have a removable metal or other impermeable bottoms which shall be cleaned daily.

    3. Inthe case of all other cages or containers, have a floor of either solid or wire

ETPS Standing Committee--April 29, 2020

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