
This report deals with Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) only. A separate report will be brought to Council for consideration (S47/2020) dealing with Red Light Cameras (RLC).

Photo radar, also referred to as automated speed enforcement (ASE) combines the use of radar speed detection technology and cameras to detect the speed of passing vehicles and capture a photograph of the vehicle/license plate.

A working group was developed by the Ontario Traffic Council (OTC), Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO), and the Ministry of the Attorney General to discuss the need for ASE technology. Through the working group a number of concerns were discussed and addressed such as the concern of overloading Municipal Provincial Offence Act courts with violations resulting from the installation of these systems. The working group has proposed that violations be handled through a Province-wide system, similar to the Red Light Camera program.

Installations may be permanent or semi-fixed. Permanent installations would be used in locations where on-going issues are experienced and a high quantity of infractions are expected even with the operation of the ASE equipment. Semi-fixed installations would be equipment that can be relocated throughout the year to a variety of installations. Vendor costs for temporary installations would be higher as the vendor would be required to redeploy multiple times through the year.

There are some visibility limitations of the equipment, such as parking. In locations where ASE is proposed, it is best to limit parking to allow for proper views of the roadway and all lanes.

Ontario Regulation 398/19 was approved and published in December of 2019 allowing Municipalities to utilize photo radar technology to issue tickets for speeding. This regulation outlines where the technology is allowed to be installed and operating, the requirements for the photo evidence, how the tickets will be issued and to whom, and signage required at the radar locations.


Additional information provided in the MTO Guidelines and Agreement that must be adhered to by all Municipalities who use ASE: