Windsor Licensing Commission
Meeting held February 26, 2020

A meeting of the Windsor Licensing Commission is held this day commencing at 9:30 o’clock a.m. in Room 204, 350 City Hall Square West, there being present the following members:

Councillor Ed Sleiman, Chair
Councillor Fabio Costante
Councillor Gary Kaschak
Harpreet Virk (arrives at 9:43 a.m.)

Regrets received from:

Jayme Lesperance

Also present are the following resource personnel:

Gary Cian, Deputy Licence Commissioner & Senior Manager of Policy, Gaming,
Licensing & By-law Enforcement
Craig Robertson, Supervisor of Licensing
Bill Tetler, Manager of By-law Enforcement
Kevin Kuprowski, By-law Enforcement Officer
Janna Tetler, Senior Licensing Issuer
Sheri Miesmer, Municipal Gaming Analyst
Karen Kadour, Committee Coordinator

1.  Call to Order

The Chair calls the meeting to order 9:34 o’clock a.m. and the Windsor Licensing Commission considers the Agenda being Schedule A attached hereto, matters which are dealt with as follows:

2. Minutes

Moved by Councillor Costante, seconded by Councillor Kaschak,

That the minutes of the Windsor Licensing Commission of its meeting held January 22, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.