Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, “Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration – City Wide” and provide details related to:

Derek Coronado, Coordinator, Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario

Derek Coronado, Coordinator, Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, “Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration – City Wide” in support of the administrative report and recommendations and concludes by suggesting that Council engage an aggressive plan with mitigation and adaption and to move forward with these plans very soon.

Adrian Halpert and Ali Tejani, Windsor Law Cities and Climate Action Forum

Adrian Halpert and Ali Tejani, Windsor Law Cities and Climate Action Forum appear before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, “Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration – City Wide” and provide a brief overview of their group and conclude by indicating that the proposed actions are wins for the Community, that the deep energy retrofit should be a priority, the community is very interested in climate action and it is a good time to engage residents and integrate climate issues into day to day decisions and the City should be taking advantage of existing grants.