Cabana Road East Speeds

Speed data was collected on Cabana Road East:

The results of the speed surveys are summarized in Table 1. The speed limit on Cabana Road East is 50 km/h.

Date Overall (24 hours) During Crossing GuardTimes
Average Speed 85thPercentileSpeed Average Speed 85thPercentileSpeed
September 2016 (before widening) 55 km/h 65 km/h 54 km/h 65 km/h
September 2018 (after widening) 58 km/h 66 km/h 62 km/h 66 km/h
January 2019 (after upgrades) 61 km/h 69 km/h 60 km/h 67 km/h

The results from these speed surveys have been shared with Windsor Police Services for their action as they deem appropriate.

Additional Observations

Administration conducted additional field reviews in October, November, and December to observe traffic behaviour and operations at the school crossing. During these field reviews, drivers’ compliance with the crossing guards’ direction was generally good. The following feedback was received from the crossing guards: