Clerk ’ s Note: Edits to the Windsor Bicycling Advisory Committee Terms of Reference and Mandate:

Bold and italicized text under Mandate

Bold and italicized text under Composition

Bold and italicized text under Absenteeism

Bold and italicized text under Quorum

Windsor Bicycling Committee – January 2020

Revised Mandate and Terms of Reference


The current Windsor Bicycling Committee was originally established in 1987 as the Bikeways Ad Hoc Steering Committee whose main role was to advise City council on matters pertaining to the establishment of a network of recreational and commuter routes for cyclists in the City of Windsor. The group worked closely with all levels of the City’s administration to develop an implementation plan. This resulted in the Bicycle Use Development Study, prepared by Victor Ford & Associates. This plan was adopted in principle by City Council in late 1990.

Since the bicycling study was approved by Council a number of the proposed routes have either been constructed or incorporated into plans for future developments. The Bikeways Ad Hoc Steering Committee changed its name to the Windsor Bicycling Committee during 1991 and has expanded its mandate accordingly.

1. Mandate

The purpose of the Committee is to enhance the safety and viability of bicycling in the City of Windsor. It acts as an advocate for the growth of predominantly bicycling and walking as a form of transportation and recreation that is affordable, equitable (as they increase access for all residents), enhance community vitality, attract and retain residents and investors, are environmentally sustainable, mitigate climate change, are quiet and promote health and well-being. The Committee acts as an advisor to Council and City departments on bicycling matters in the City of Windsor.

2. Composition

The Windsor Bicycling Committee shall consist of a maximum of 10 voting members and non-voting resource members.