For locations that meet the warrant for a pedestrian crossover, the Ontario Traffic Manual gives guidelines for the appropriate level and type of pedestrian crossover based on:

Pedestrian crossover levels and types are summarized in Appendix 1.

For a 4-lane road without a raised refuge, normally a Level 2 Type B or a Level 1 Type A pedestrian crossover would be considered, depending on vehicle volume.

The existing width on Cabana Road East at Karen Street/Clara Avenue (4 lanes plus buffered bicycle lanes, for a total width of 16.4 m) exceeds the maximum recommended width for a pedestrian crossover (4 basic lanes, for a total maximum width of 15 m). For this reason, the Ontario Traffic Manual does not recommend any type of pedestrian crossover for this situation; however, volumes for the closest case (4 lanes without raised refuge) are provided in Table 2.

Table 1: Recommended Maximum Traffic Volumes for Pedestrian Crossovers

Pedestrian Crossover Type Recommended Maximum 8-HourVehicle Volume [Note]
Level 2 Type B 6,000 vehicles
Level 1 Type A 7,500 vehicles
Observed 8-hour Volume Cabana Road East(Howard Avenue to Holburn Street)

8,506 vehicles

Note: Maximum volumes given are for 4 lanes without raised refuge, 50 km/h speed limit. Source: Ontario Traffic Manual

Research cited in the Ontario Traffic Manual found that when a pedestrian crossover is provided at locations where the vehicle volume is higher than the recommended maximum volume, poor compliance by drivers typically results, and that driver compliance decreases as vehicle volume increases.

For cases where the vehicle volume is higher than the recommended maximum for a pedestrian crossover, the Ontario Traffic Manual recommends considering a traffic signal.