In summary, should Council wish to proceed with a RLC program, one-time seed funding of up to $520,000 for the first year implementation and operating costs for ten (10) red-light camera units, along with $20,000 for initial public education related to the program could be required. However, this amount is subject to negotiations with the City of Toronto and the red light camera vendor. The City is unable to negotiate costs until Council approves moving forward with a letter of intent to the Minister of Transportation. No funding is currently budgeted in the operating or capital budgets for this program.



Should Council wish to proceed with the implementation of red light cameras in the City of Windsor and utilize the Joint Municipal Processing Centre operated by the City of Toronto, the City would first be required to apply to the Ministry of Transportation to obtain an amendment to Ontario Regulation 277/99 and be added to the list of designated Municipalities under this program. The City of Windsor would then be required to enter into an agreement with both the City of Toronto to use the Joint Municipal Processing Centre and with the vendor approved by the City of Toronto for installation and maintenance of the equipment. Administration would also need to begin discussions with Local 543 regarding installation and maintenance work and the County to amend the Inter-Municipal Court Services Agreement. The City is unable to negotiate costs until Council approval to move forward with a letter of intent is given. No funding is currently budgeted in the operating or capital budgets for this work. Should Council wish to proceed, direction is required for Administration to issue a letter of intent to the Ministry and to report back with recommended funding options related to the potential one-time implementation costs and other related matters.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Natasha Couvillon Manager of Performance Measurement & Financial Administration
Dwayne Dawson Executive Director of Operations
Mark Winterton City Engineer