THAT given the information available at this time, the City of Windsor intends to transition their Recycling Collection program to full producer responsibility on August 27th, 2024; and,

THAT this decision is based on the fact that this transition date is coincides with the expiration of the current Service Agreement for Recycling Collection; and,

THAT the City of Windsor would be interested in providing collection services to Producers should we be able to arrive at mutually agreeable commercial terms; and further,

THAT any questions regarding this resolution can be directed to the Manager, Environmental Services; and further,

THAT the resolution be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Executive Summary:



The province currently has in place legislation under which it intends to introduce regulations to require the transition of recycling responsibility from Municipalities to Producers. The current model requires Municipalities to provide recycling collection to its residents at least half as often as they offer garbage collection, and that the net cost of the recycling program (both in terms of collection and processing) be funded at a rate of 50% by the Producers. More specifically for the City of Windsor, the Environmental Services department manages collection of recyclable materials, on behalf of the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority (EWSWA). EWSWA manages the collection in the County municipalities as well as the processing of all recyclable materials in the region. EWSWA then receives 50% of the total recycling program net costs (all collection and processing) from the Producers. Under the new model, Municipalities will no longer be responsible for collection, processing or any associated costs with the Residential portion of the recycling program. Any recycling services currently offered by the City of Windsor to ICI customers (condominiums, BIAs, schools, etc.) are not expected to transition to Producers.

The MECP has stipulated that all municipalities must transition sometime between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2025, with 1/3rd of the province transitioning each year. Understandably, it would be near impossible to transition every municipality on the same date. Discussions between the Ministry, Producers and Municipalities are underway to develop a method of determining which municipalities will transition on which day. There are two methods being considered:

  1. Municipally self-directed: in this model, municipalities would determine the best date to transition based on established contracts, infrastructure and operational efficiencies. This method is preferable in that the City of Windsor could