Council Report: S 29/2019

Subject: Additional Information - CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East Roseland Public School Pedestrians - WARD 9


Date to Council: April 15, 2019
Author: Jeff Hagan
Policy Analyst
519-255-6247 ext 6003

Report Date: January 24, 2019
Clerk’s File #: ST2019

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT report S 29/2019 “Additional Information - CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East Roseland Public School Pedestrians” BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



At the August 27, 2018 meeting of Council, former Councillor Payne asked the following Council Question:

CQ 14-2018

Asks for a report soon on the feasibility of installing a school crosswalk on Cabana Road East in the vicinity of Roseland Public School for the safety of children crossing in light of the recent widening of the street to four lanes.

Report S 156/2018 CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East / Roseland Public School Pedestrians was brought before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee at its October 17, 2018 meeting. That report, as well as related report S 90/2018 Pedestrian Crossovers, were deferred at that meeting to allow the opportunity for comment from the Windsor Police Service.