staff will action all court administration activities related to these fines. There may also be additional prosecutor’s time to deal with those individuals that choose to meet with the prosecutor in an early resolution meeting and potential court time for those individuals that choose to go to trial. POA collections staff will also be tasked with following up on those offenders who have unpaid fines after their due date has passed. Specific numbers are not available at this time as no program has been initiated.

Financial Matters:

ASE Program – There are two (2) costs related to the program, the vendor’s cost and the cost to use the City of Toronto’s Joint Processing Centre. The vendor’s cost for the portable units is approximately $80 per day assuming they are in use for 365 days per year, based on entering into a 5 year agreement with the vendor. The City of Toronto has indicated that for a 5 year contract, they are estimating monthly costs in a similar range as the Red Light Camera program. Costs related to the Joint Processing Centre are difficult to determine at this time with the program not having officially started yet. From each ticket, the Province will retain a Victim Fine Surcharge which will be based on the value of the fine similar to the red light camera program, this charge will be in addition to the value of the fine and not part of it. The fee for the use of the Processing Centre will be based on the number of tickets processed.

The program will be similar to the red light camera program where it will be a 5 year program. Municipalities will be allowed to enter into the program mid-stream, but the costs will be higher each year. It is anticipated that the second, 5 year program will begin in 2025, however it will depend on the quantity of additional Municipalities interested in joining throughout the life of the contract.

The City of Windsor Provincial Offences Office (POA) - Pursuing the ASE program may result in additional costs for POA staff (court administration, prosecutors and/or collections). Maintaining adequate staffing will ensure the department upholds its current service levels for processing fines and the court administration of these fines. The request for additional staffing would be dependent on the expected number of tickets generated from ASE. If the volume is low, the impact could potentially be absorbed with current staffing levels.

The Provincial Offences Court in Windsor processes offences that occur not only in the City of Windsor but also in the eight surrounding municipalities. All of the participating municipalities contribute to the costs associated with operating the Provincial Offences Court and are entitled to share in the net revenue from the fines collected. The distribution is based on the annual regional weighted assessment rates for the year the fine revenue is collected. Revenue distribution is not based on the geographical area that the ticket was issued. In order to implement an Automated Speed Enforcement program the City of Windsor would incur significant costs and would be required to share the revenue with the other municipalities unless an amendment to the Inter-Municipal Court Services agreement was obtained. Alternatively, the City may wish to review the possibility of modifying the agreement to process ASE related fines and revenue separately if the other Municipalities are not participating in the program. The above is also applicable for the Red Light Camera program, therefore if Council wishes to proceed with a revised agreement, both programs should be included in the wording.