Risk Analysis:

There are no significant or critical risks associated with the recommendations in this report.

Financial Matters:

The project has been completed and is projected to finish with an estimated surplus of approximately $260,000.

The following summarizes the project expenditures.

EXPENSES DESCRIPTION BUDGET* Actual to Date * VarianceSurplus /Deficit
Professional Fees $306,000 $345,092 ($39,092)
Fit-Up Costs $267,500 $100,319 $167,181
Construction Costs $7,596,711 $7,902,121 ($305,410)
Miscellaneous (survey, events, financing, permits etc.) $1,474,730 $1,384,290 $90,440
Contingency $684,920 $338,039 $346,881
Total $10,329,861 $10,069,861 $260,000

*Values are as of March 3, 2020 and include non-recoverable taxes. Additional expenses for financing costs are also included in the Miscellaneous expense line.

Following the Species at Risk identification, a budget of $10,329,861 was approved through the following sources:

  1. $9,000,000 initial project funding for both Fire Station No. 2 and No. 5.

  2. $218,000 in park land dedication costs initially transferred from the Fire Station

    No. 2 project were recovered, as the Fire Station No. 5 project incorporates the improvement of various sites within the Spring Garden Area of Natural and Scientific Interest.

  3. $900,000 proceeds from the sale of surplus Fire Stations No. 2, 5, and 6.

  4. $76,941 from the Unallocated Capital Placeholder Contingency.

  5. $134,920 in surplus funding from Project 7052089 (Station 7 – New Fire Hall).

With the exception of the sale of Fire Station No. 5, project revenues were distributed in accordance with the approved project budget. Previous Fire Stations No. 2 (located on Walker Road at Richmond Street) and No. 6 (located on Tecumseh Road East at Jos. St. Louis Street) have been sold.