Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

8.4. Melbourne Road - On-Street Parking Modification - Ward: 2

Tammy Redmond, resident of Ward 2

Tammy Redmond, resident of Ward 2 appears before the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report, “Melbourne Road – On-Street Parking Modification – Ward: 2” and concludes by suggesting that she would like the no parking sign moved over 2 spots as her family has several cars and have been utilizing the existing parking since 2008 without a problem.

Councillor Costante inquires about the neighbourhood and the cul-de-sac and any complaints. Administration indicates that the current request is the only issue that they are aware of for this area. Administration indicates there haven’t been any safety related incidents in the recent past.

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: ETPS 744

THAT the petition to modify parking signage on the 2800 block of Melbourne Road BE APPROVED; and,

THAT parking BE PERMITTED on Melbourne Road – Harrison Avenue to the easterly property line of 2825 Melbourne Road-South Side; and,

THAT the necessary changes BE MADE to the City of Windsor Parking By-law 9023.

Report Number: S 19/2020

Clerk’s File: ST2020

8.3. Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authortiy Plastic Bag Ban in Recycling

Councillor Francis inquires about the misconception of plastic bags permitted in recycling containers. Anne-Marie Albidone Manager, Environmental Services appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report “Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority Plastic Bag Ban in Recycling” and indicates that many people think that plastic bags are allowed in the recycling but they are not. Ms. Albidone adds that the Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority performs spot audits and they have realized that there are many plastic bags in resident’s recycling bins. Plastic Bags will not be permitted in recycling containers.

Ms. Albidone indicates that there will be an education campaign kick off when the collection calendar is received by residents. Ms. Albidone adds that the EWSWA will be doing media, print, radio, signs on collection trucks, and responding to questions related to the plastic bag ban. They will also be offering discounts on additional bins at all events. Ms. Albidone states that as of June