Moved by J. Macasaet-Bondy, seconded by R. Hicks,

That the Presentation provided by Mike Clement, Manager Parks Development regarding an update relating to mountain biking investments and strategy BE RECEIVED.

4.3 WBC Terms of Reference and Mandate

The Chair suggests adding climate change, sustainability or both to the WBC Mandate.

K. Dohring notes he would like to see a switch between recreation and transportation with transportation first. He wants to move bicycling away from having the main focus on recreation and becoming a normal mode of transportation.

E. Valvasori remarks the issue of just “cycling” is that it becomes too narrowly focused i.e. bike paths that also double as pedestrian walkways which should never be built. It’s dangerous when you have pedestrians walking where cyclists are.

J. Hagan states once the Active Transportation position is filled, he adds this person will be attending the WBC meetings.

The Chair proposes edits to the wording of the Mandate to include mitigating climate change.

Moved by K. Dohring, seconded by J. Macasaet-Bondy,

That the Revised 2020 Windsor Bicycling Committee Terms of Reference and Mandate with edits identified in italics and bold print, attached as Appendix “A” BE APPROVED.

4.4 Status of the Hot Spot Accident Areas

The memo from the Transportation Planning Senior Engineer dated January 14, 2020 entitled “Status update – 2018 Road Safety Audit Items” is attached as Appendix “B”. J. Hagan provides an overview of the document that includes the following areas: