REPORT NO. 154 of the WINDSOR LICENSING COMMISSION of its meeting held January 22, 2020


Councillor Ed Sleiman, Chair
Councillor Fabio Costante
Councillor Gary Kaschak
Jayme Lesperance
Harpreet Virk

The Windsor Licensing Commission submits the following recommendations:

Moved by Councillor Kaschak, seconded by Councillor Costante,

  1. That no dogs or cats BE SOLD for profit in a City of Windsor pet shop; and

  2. That all licensed pet shops in good standing with the City of Windsor BE ALLOWED to offer dogs and cats exclusively through an adoption program administered by organizations such as local shelters, rescue groups and humane societies; and further,

  3. That Schedule P1 (Pet Shops) to Business Licensing By-law No. 395-2004 BE AMENDED accordingly.

NOTE: The Report of the Supervisor of Licensing & Deputy Licence Commissioner and the Corporate Policy Coordinator dated December 19, 2019 entitled “Regulation of Licensed City of Windsor Pet Shops” is attached.


