
This report discusses Red Light Cameras (RLC). A separate report (S 45/2020) related to Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) is also being brought forward for Council consideration.

A red light running camera is a type of traffic enforcement camera that captures an image of a vehicle that enters an intersection in spite of the traffic signal indicating red (during red phase). The camera automatically takes two photos of the vehicle; one entering and one proceeding through the intersection. The photo is evidence that assists authorities in enforcing traffic laws. Generally, the camera is triggered by movement of a vehicle as it passes the stop bar after the associated signal has turned red.

The key reasons why municipalities have installed cameras are to change driving behaviour, reduce angled collisions, and increase safety. However, it has been reported that rear-end collisions increase.

Currently, the Highway Traffic Act requires Municipalities to be authorized to use red light cameras by amending Regulation 277/99. Changes to the Regulation as recent as December of 2019, still indicate this requirement. The process includes a submission letter to the Minister of Transportation, requesting permission to enforce this type of infraction. With this letter, documented approval from Council stating that support and intention to enter into the program must be provided.

The following are points of clarification regarding the issuance of tickets: