bring forward by-law amendments for locations where the traffic calming measures require on-street parking to be cleared.

As the program is relatively new, the success of the program is still being evaluated.

One aspect of the City of Ottawa’s program, gateway speed limit signs, will be addressed in a future report in response to CQ7-2020.

City of Kitchener

The City of Kitchener uses two processes to approve locations for traffic calming:

Temporary measures under the Seasonal Traffic Calming program are installed for 8 months per year and removed for the winter maintenance season. Two types of measures are offered under the program:

The City of Kitchener’s Seasonal Traffic Calming program has operated successfully since 2017 and has expanded each year that it has been in operation.

As for the City of Ottawa, Kitchener’s Councillors and staff meet early each year to identify locations for the year’s programs so that sufficient time is available to coordinate the program and to put in place any required parking removals.

City of Calgary (and City of Sarnia)

In 2018, the City of Calgary developed a new traffic calming device – the traffic calming curb – for temporary use on Calgary traffic calming projects. An example of an installation of traffic calming curbs is shown in Figure 1.