purely a projection until such time that a program can be fully developed and implemented.

The program savings noted above also have the potential of being offset by the lost savings that the City was able to negotiate with GFL with respect to the per tonne waste collection rate. This discount was provided to the City as a result of GFL being the successful proponent for both the waste and recycling contracts. Should this discount be eliminated, the City could expect to see increased waste collection costs of approximately $60,000 per year.

Potential financial ramifications may result from the termination of the recycling contract prior to the end of the term. Please see the accompanying memo for further discussion.

Should the City’s transition date coincide with the end of the current Recycling Services contract on August 27, 2024, no penalties would accrue to the City and the agreement with GFL would simply terminate.

Should the transition date extend beyond August 27, 2024, the City could exercise its option under the contract to extend the current recycling contract with GFL for up to two (2) subsequent terms of one (1) year each subject to mutual agreement on the service fee.

The potential cost impact are difficult to quantify, but the total savings can be estimated as being relatively similar regardless of the transition date selected.

As noted in this report, the numbers provided above are very preliminary, high-level estimates included to provide an order of magnitude. Significant uncertainty exists surrounding the actual transition date, the depth of the transition, the ramifications of the contract, the impact to existing operations for both the City and EWSWA and any additional contingency costs that may be incurred. Administration will continue to provide Council with updates on the operational and financial impacts related to the transition of recycling as we move through the transition period and we achieve more clarity regarding the full financial impacts. Given the uncertainty surrounding the financial impact of the transition, the preferred transition date of August 27th, 2024 is being recommended based on the operational aspects of our current recycling program, which includes honouring our current waste and recycling contract terms with GFL.


Eli Maodus, Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority

Natasha Couvillon, Manager of Performance Measurement and Financial Planning

Mark Nazarewich, Senior Legal Counsel


Administration recommends advising AMO that based on the limited information available, the City of Windsor’s preferred transition date is August 27th, 2024 and that there is an interest in discussing with Producers the terms for providing collection