Item No. 8.3

Council Report: S 209/2018

Subject: Fire Stations No. 2 and 5 Project Completion Report


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. That the report for completion of Fire Stations No. 2 and 5 BE RECEIVED for information; and,

  2. That City Council APPROVE the establishment of a Species At Risk Reserve Fund, pending the sale of the former Fire Hall Station No. 5; and,

  3. That City Council APPROVE the transfer of the total project surplus, following the sale of 1905 Cabana Road West, to the new Species at Risk Reserve Fund.

Executive Summary:



Project Conception

Corporation of the City of Windsor together with Implementation Plans. M467-2013 was adopted, indicating “That the report of the Executive Director of Human Resources dated December 12, 2013 regarding “Arbitration Award – Windsor Professional Fire Fighters Association (WPFFA) and The Corporation of the City of Windsor (Corporation) and Implementation Plan” BE RECEIVED, and that M460-2013 BE ADOPTED AS AMENDED.” M460-2013 read “That the Report of Special In-Camera Meeting held December 10, 2013, BE ADOPTED as amended.”