
That the report of the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding CQ14-2018 Cabana Road East / Roseland Public School Pedestrians - WARD 9 and Additional Information - Cabana Road East Roseland Public School Pedestrians - WARD 9 BE DEFERRED to a future meeting of Council, to allow for the citywide traffic calming report to be issued and considered first.

The reports (ETPS 657, including S 156/2018 and S 29/2019) referred to in B5/2020 are attached as Appendix 1 for information. Related report C 45/2019 is attached as Appendix 2.


Temporary Versus Permanent Traffic Calming Measures

In general, temporary traffic calming measures might be selected for a project rather than permanent measures for one of the following reasons:

Additionally, some jurisdictions have implemented programs of lower-impact temporary traffic calming measures that are used for locations that do not meet the normal warrant for typical traffic calming measures.

For both temporary and permanent traffic calming, most municipalities use traffic data (e.g. measured speed and volumes) to confirm that traffic calming will be effective at addressing the neighbourhood’s concerns and to prioritize between locations.