
(a) Dangerous Dog “Prince”

James Belcik,” and Eva Belcik guardians of “Prince” are present to speak to this matter.

C. Robertson advises the applicants are present to request an appeal of the dangerous dog designation. He notes that dog bites are governed under the Dog Owners’ Liability Act which establishes that an owner is liable for damages if his or her dog bites or attacks another person or domestic animal. As the dog bit the owner, this hearing is being reviewed by the Windsor Licensing Commission.

James Belcik, guardian provides the following comments relating to this matter:

G. Cian advises that the dog bite incident was brought to the attention of Administration and subsequently this matter is before the Windsor Licensing Commission for a decision in the event the dog bites again which could potentially cause liability to the City of Windsor.

C. Robertson states if the Licensing Commission agrees that the bite was not provoked, the dangerous dog designation could be modified to “potentially dangerous” and could provide their own recommendations. He further adds that the by-law requires that if a dog is deemed dangerous or potentially dangerous that the change of address and change of guardianship must be disclosed to that municipality.

Moved by Councillor Costante, seconded by Councillor Kaschak,

WLC3/2020 That the dangerous dog designation BE CHANGED to POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG for the Siberian Husky known as “Prince” which currently resides with James Belcik and Eva Belcik at 1277 Parent Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, and further, that the following actions BE REQUIRED as a result of this designation:

1. To keep such dog, when in or on the property of another person with the person’s consent, on a leash and under the control of that person who is sixteen years of age of more.