Fines will be based on the rate of travelled speed the offender was determined to be driving. There will be a processing fee along with fees remitted to the province, with the Municipality retaining a portion of the fine.

Out-of-town or out-of-country offenders will be difficult to collect from, similar to the existing red light camera program. Currently, the processing centre has agreements to bill out of Province however the only province that tickets are being sent to is Quebec.

Table 1 shows the current School Zone / Community Safety Zones as per Windsor’s Traffic By-Law 9148, Schedule “Q” and Schedule “R”:

Table 1 – List of School / Community Safety Zones (Windsor)

Highway / Street From / To Type of Zone Speed Limit Effective Time
Labelle Street 50 m west of Youngstown Street TO 20 m west of Sierra Drive School Zone 50 km/hReduction to 40 km/h During Specified Times 7 am – 9:30 am2 pm – 5 pmSchool Days
Huron Road Church 45 m south of College Ave TO south City limits Community Safety Zone 60 km/h At all times
Tecumseh Road East 10 m west of Windermere Road TO 35 m east of Kildare Road Community Safety Zone 50 km/h 8 am – 4:30 pmMonday - Friday
Wyandotte Street East 7 m east ofChurch Street TO20 m east ofVictoria Ave Community Safety Zone 50 km/h 8 am – 4:30 pmMonday - Friday

There are a number of other locations that have been reviewed as part of the School Neighbourhood Policy program. There were 16 locations identified as possible school zones, and a number of other locations meeting the criteria for school zone or area requiring further review and re-calculation. The School Neighbourhood Policy recommends that other options be reviewed to reduce the street’s score, as much as practical before designating a school zone or area.

The ASE equipment has the ability to be programmed to issue tickets during certain times of the day. In zones such as the Tecumseh Road East from the table above, tickets would only be issued during the times the Community zone is effective, i.e. Monday to Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.