including any animals which are non-native to Windsor’s climate. The Keeping of Animals by- law similarly prohibits ownership on any exotic species. In regards to dogsand cats specifically, the Pet Shop Schedule of the by-law currently requires each pet shop ownerto keepa register of each animal purchased which must include; where the animal was purchased from, when they were purchasedand a detailed description of the animal. Ownersare also required to report any questionable salestactics or animals which appearto be in despair to the police immediately. All licence inspections and complaint driven inspections of the shops are conducted by the Windsor Essex County HumaneSociety along with the City’s By-law EnforcementDivision. It has been a numberof years since any major concerns regarding the well-being or care of animals has been identified in licensed pet shops.


A review of pet shop bylaws from a number of municipalities shows a trend towards the banning of dogs and cats for-profit and a move towards adoption-based models. The municipal survey shows that Windsor, Hamilton, ThunderBay and Calgary have similar licensing regimes in that pet shops are licensed businesses and there are no restrictions on the sale of animals in the shops in general. In each of these municipalities, there is a prohibition on selling/keeping/harboring certain animals (wild/exotic/non-indigenous to Canada etc.) both in private homes and retail locations.

In London, Toronto and Brampton, pet shops are licensed and dogs and cats sold in shops must be obtained from municipal animal shelters, registered humane societies, registered shelters or rescue groups. There is a prohibition on selling/keeping/harbouring certain animals similar to Windsor (wild/exotic/non-indigenous to Canadaete.).

Waterloo and Kitchener are similar in that they also license pet shops but any animals for sale in a shop must be obtained from municipal animal shelters, registered humane societies, registered shelters or rescue groups. There is, of course, also a prohibition on selling/keeping/harboring certain animals similar to Windsor.

Mississaugalicencespet shops and if a pet shop sells more than ten (10) cats or dogs annually, they must obtain the remaining cats and dogs to be sold from municipal animal shelters, registered humane societies, registered shelters or rescue groups. There is a prohibition on selling/keeping/harboring certain animals similar to Windsor.

In Montreal, a permitto sell animals is issued by the Province of Quebec (Agriculture Ministry). Earlier this year, the City of Montreal amended their animal control by-law and as of July 1, 2019, pet shopsare no longerableto sell dogs, cats or rabbits unless they are obtained by registered shelters such as the SPCA. Pet shop owners respondedbyfiling a lawsuit against the City ofMontreal. Ata recent hearing, ajudge ruled against the pet shop ownersafter requesting to suspendthe new by-law until the lawsuit is completed. The matterstill remains before Quebec Superior Court.

Sudbury, Winnipeg, Regina and Halifax do not licence pet shops. They do all share a prohibition onselling/keeping/harbouring certain animals similar to Windsor.

Asdiscussed above,there are various limits on what types of animals can be sold in Windsor.

Nearly all comparator municipalities have also banned non-indigenousanimalsfor sale and