The Cost of Doing Nothing

In 2014, the Windsor Community spent $842 million on energy. The Community Energy Plan estimated that without concerted effort the annual energy costs for the Community could rise to $1.8 billion (low price risk) and $3.1 billion (high price risk) per year in 2041. A failure to mitigate will result in costs beyond that of simple energy costs. In a high emissions scenario, the City of Windsor is expect to have 70 days above 30°C compared to 51 days in a low emissions scenario. The consequences of not mitigating will put more burden on emergency response and adaptation measures.

A 2011 report by the National Round Table on the Environment and Energy estimated that climate change costs for Canada could escalate from roughly $5 billion per year in 2020 to between $21 and $43 billion per year by the 2050s. The magnitude of costs depends upon a combination of two factors: global emissions growth as well as the economic growth and population growth in Canada during that time.

Public Safety Canada estimates that for every dollar invested in climate change adaptation $3 to $5 is saved in recovery costs. Similarly, an independent study commissioned by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency found that the return on investment in the United States was $4 in cost savings for every $1 spent on disaster mitigation (adaptation). Studies in Australia have found a return of 3:1, while in the United Kingdom, 5:1.

The costs of not adapting to climate change has been well documented in the Climate Change Adaptation Plan (S20/2020).

Current Dedicated Resources


The 2019 staffing levels of the Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office includes two full-time permanent staff and one full-time temporary staff. Minor funding is also available to support two Co-op students throughout the year.

Operating Budget

The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office currently operates annually with minimal discretionary funds to implement actions in the Environmental Master Plan, Community Energy Plan, Corporate Climate Action Plan and Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Aside from wages, the annual operating budget for this area in 2020 is approximately $42,000.

Capital Funding

The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Office currently has two active capital projects. The first capital project was created in 2009 to track expenses