7. Update of the rainfall intensity duration frequency (IDF) Curves

2012 - $50,000

Capital Budget and Flooding Report (CR128/2012)


The Essex Region Conservation Authority on behalf of the City of Windsor and the municipalities of Essex County worked with researchers to predict a range of future IDF curves under a variety of climate change scenarios.

ERCA completed Regional Stormwater guidelines which was adopted by all county municipalities. There is a requirement for undertaking a climate change stress test for developments over a certain size.

As part of the sewer master plan, the sewer network wasanalyzed for resiliency by running the model with climate change IDF curves. This will allow the City to identify vulnerabilities to the system under the specified climate projections.
8. Initiate flow
monitoring of priority

2012 to 2014 -

2015 - $700,000

2012 - $300,000

Capital Budget and
Flooding Report

Completed Initial flow monitoring is completed.
Pollution Control installed some flow
monitors permanently to gather data to be
used for long term planning; including
completion of an infiltration/inflow analysis.

The initial flow monitoring
results were used to develop a
baseline model of the City’s
sewer system. The sewer model is being expanded, and
additional flow monitoring is being undertaken, for the sewer master plan project. The results from the flow monitoring will also be used to support other adaptation actions listed (i.e. sealing manhole covers, flow restrictors on catch basins, etc.) or recommendations to be made in the sewer master plan.

Flow monitoring will also be
completed to monitor the
effectiveness of the Disaster