Figure 1: Examples of Actions to address Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
This report has been divided into two major sections (Mitigation and Adaptation) with the hope to clearly demonstrate the priority actions to both reduce emissions and adapt to expected climate risks
Section 1: Climate Change Mitigation
The History of Climate Change Mitigation Planning in the City of Windsor
In 2002, the City of Windsor undertook the first steps to address reducing emissions through its commitment to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Partners for Climate Protection network (PCP). The City’s 2006 Environmental Master Plan provided further direction to implement the milestones of the PCP program, which lead to the completion of the City’s first greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory in 2010 (Milestone 1 of the PCP Program).
In 2015, the City of Windsor committed to the Compact of Mayors (now the Global Covenant of Mayors), a global network of cities pledging to reduce GHG emissions, enhance resilience to climate change (adaptation) and track progress in a standardized and transparent manner. In 2015, City Council also approved the development of the City’s Community Energy Plan (CEP) and Corporate Climate Action Plan (CCAP).
The CEP approved by City Council in July 2017, aims to create economic advantage, mitigate climate change, and improve energy performance (CR426/2017). It strives to