6 Text DELETE 22(1) A person operating a bicycle or power assisted bicycle (e-bike) upon a highway shall ride as near the righthand side of the highway as practical, and shall exercise due care when a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction To permit e-scooters in the right-of-way on certain roads
7 Text ADD 22(1) A person operating a bicycle, power assisted bicycle (e-bike) or electric kick-scooter (e-scooter) upon a highway shall ride as near the righthand side of the highway as practical, and shall exercise due care when a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction. To permit e-scooters in the right-of-way on certain roads
8 Text DELETE 22(2) Persons operating bicycles or power assisted bicycles (e-bikes) upon a highway shall ride in a single file, except when passing another vehicle To permit e-scooters in the right-of-way on certain roads
9 Text ADD 22(2) Persons operating bicycles, power assisted bicycles (e-bikes) or electric kick-scooters (e-scooters) upon a highway shall ride in a single file, except when passing another vehicle. To permit e-scooters in the right-of-way on certain roads
10 Text DELETE 24 No person shall park a bicycle or power assisted bicycle (e-bike) on a road except in a manner as to cause the least possible obstruction to pedestrians or vehicular traffic To permit e-scooters in the right-of-way on certain roads
11 Text ADD 24 No person shall park a bicycle, power assisted bicycle (e-bike) or electric kick-scooter (e-scooter) on a road except in a manner as to cause the least possible obstruction to pedestrians or vehicular traffic To permit e-scooters in the right-of-way on certain roads
12 Text DELETE 25(1) No person shall ride a bicycle with a wheel or wheels more than sixty centimetres (60 cm) in diameter or a Power Assisted Bicycle (e-bike) upon a sidewalk To permit e-scooters in the right-of-way on certain roads