8.1. Alley Lighting Policy - City Wide

Councillor Costante requests clarification related to alley structure and Local Improvements with municipal roads. Mark Winterton, City Engineer appears before the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Alley Lighting Policy and provides information related to comparisons with other municipalities and most don’t provide service in alleys. Details of the Local Improvement Policy are provided.

Councillor Costante requests clarification about municipal roads. Mr. Winterton provides details related to operational costs and the residents responsibility.

Councillor Costante requests clarification related to whether there are established standards as per the infrastructure that exists in the neighbourhood which provides a framework for the cost sharing. Mr. Winterton provides information related to the Local Improvement Policy, the municipal standard related to a cross-section type of road, and the financial information related to it.

Councillor Costante inquires about a standard for alleys. Mr. Winterton indicates that an alley standard currently doesn’t exit for the City.

Councillor Francis requests clarification related to divesting alleys. Mr. Winterton indicates that the City is not building alleys anymore, they do try to close and divest them when they can, although in the downtown core some alleys are still used for garbage pickup.

Councillor Holt inquires as to the number of alleys in the City. Mr. Winterton indicates he will provide that information during the Council Meeting. He adds that most paved alleys are in the downtown core and provide access to garages or are required for access to infrastructure.

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: ETPS 729

THAT the attached Alley Lighting Policy BE ADOPTED by City Council; and,

THAT the 2020 annual operating and maintenance fee of $150 per light fixture that will be divided amongst all the properties serviced by the light fixture BE REFERRED to the 2020 Budget to be added to the 2020 User Fee Schedule; and,

THAT administration BE REQUESTED to provide a report to a future meeting of the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding a fee structure framework for maintenance standards for alleys in the City.

Councillor Francis voting nay.