Verify that you are using the most current application form.

Pre-submission consultation with a staff Planner is mandatory per By-law 199-2007. A Planner must sign and date the pre-submission consultation section on page 3. The Planner will determine what supporting documentation is to be submitted with the application and the fee payable.

Schedules: Read, complete in full, and sign Schedules A & E.

Submit the application form, supporting studies and information, and the application fee to Planning and Building Services – Planning Division, 350 City Hall Square, Suite 210, Windsor, ON N9A 6S1.

Allow a minimum of 150 days for processing. An application will be terminated without notice after 90 days of inactivity.


The type of amendment is determined by the City Planner or their designate.

Minor Zoning Amendment

Major Zoning Amendment