Figure 3.0 - Existing Zoning: (Source: City of Windsor Zoning By-law 8600)
While in keeping with the policies and permiƩed uses of the ResidenƟal land use designaƟon of the City of Windsor’s Official Plan, the subject site will require a site specific Zoning By-law Amendment to facilitate the proposed mixed-use development. More specifically, a uniform site specific CD1.12 Zone will be sought for the enƟrety of the subject lands to permit:
A mixed use development with ground floor commercial and residential units above;
A multiple dwelling;
A building height of 16m for a combined use building;
A building height of 14m for a multiple dwelling;
A 2m separation setback between a parking area and a habitable room window; and
A minimum of 1 loading space on the subject site.