Settlement areas are urban areas and rural settlement areas, and include cities, towns, villages and hamlets. Ontario’s settlement areas vary significantly in terms of size, density, population, economic activity, diversity and intensity of land uses, service levels, and types of infrastructure available.

The vitality and regeneration of settlement areas is critical to the long-term economic prosperity of our communities. Development pressures and land use change will vary across Ontario. It is in the interest of all communities to use land and resources wisely, to promote efficient development patterns, protect resources, promote green spaces, ensure effective use of infrastructure and public service facilities and minimize unnecessary public expenditures. Settlement areas shall be the focus of growth and development. Land use patterns within settlement areas shall be based on densities and a mix of land uses which:

  1. efficiently use land and resources;

  2. are appropriate for, and efficiently use, the infrastructure and public service facilities which are planned or available, and avoid the need for their unjustified and/or uneconomical expansion;

  3. minimize negative impacts to air quality and climate change, and promote energy efficiency;

  4. prepare for the impacts of a changing climate;

  5. support active transportation;

  6. are transit-supportive, where transit is planned, exists or may be developed; and

  7. are freight-supportive.