
The owner proposes to build a four storey, 30 unit Multiple Dwelling building and associated parking. The apartment units will be rental apartments and will be associated with the Redeemed Church of God on adjacent lands. The proposed development requires an Official Plan Amendment to facilitate the change to the zoning by-law that would allow the proposed use in the desired location.

The site will be subject to Site Plan Control Application.

Site Information:

Official Plan Zoning Current Use Previous Use
Commercial/ Residential Commercial District 2.1 (CD2.1) and Residential District 2.2 (RD 2.2) Vacant Commercial / Residential Vacant Commercial / Residential
Lot Width Lot Depth Area Shape
irregular +/- 30m 0.22 ha Irregular
All measurements are for the entire parcel and are approximate.

Neighbourhood Characteristics:

The proposed development fronts Tecumseh Road West at Campbell Avenue. The Tecumseh Road Corridor in this location consists of a mix of commercial and institutional uses.

The proposed development is located at the northeast corner of the intersection between Tecumseh Road West and Campbell Avenue. Campbell Avenue is classified as a Class 1 Collector road; Tecumseh Road West is classified as a Class 2 Arterial road. Currently the site is directly served by the Central 3, Central 3 West, and Dominion 5 Transit Windsor routes.

Surrounding Land Uses:

a) North - single unit dwellings;