Appendix ‘C’ - Consultations Table


Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services No concerns to close.
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service fully supports this requested closure. During a site visit conducted on January 16th, 2019, it was evident the subject lands/space are susceptible to the problems identified in the application to justify why closure is being sought; namely, trespassing, illegal dumping, and vandalism. The attached photo illustrates evidence of this to some extent. The affected lands/space are quite secluded, elevating vulnerability to the aforementioned problems and we support the closure as a measure that will help to prevent a continuance of this problematic activity for this neighbourhood into the future.
Planning – Landscape Architect No objection from a landscape or Parks perspective
Parks & Facilities No objection from a landscape or Parks perspective
Public Works – Engineering The proposed right-of-way closure is approximately 546sqm (5880sqft) and composed of gravel and grass. The property at 2336 Charl is using the right-of-way as their driveway. The owner of 2336 Charl is required to obtain a permit to construct a driveway approach to private property as per AS-221 or AS-222. If the encroaching wood privacy fence is to remain an encroachment agreement is required and the fence will need to be altered to meet the fence bylaw. The fence also encroaches into the Essex Terminal Railway lands. There are municipal sewers and a manhole within the closure. There are hydro poles, overhead wires, guy wires, and anchors within the closure. An easement is required for the utilities. Public Works does not support the closure due to the ongoing maintenance of the sewers within the closure. This right-of-way is indispensable and Public Works objects to the closure.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns from Environmental Services
Public Works – Transportation The applicant may require access to their garage. The area proposed for closure is not required for vehicular access for any other properties. A previous by-law resulted in the alley closure to the north. Some fence posts and sections of fence in the proposed closure area are present. No concerns with closing the street as shown.The remnant lot appears to be sufficient size to support a residential lot pending Engineering review of the existing sewers. Should alternative access to the applicant’s garage be