The various requirements of municipal departments and external agencies are best incorporated in the site plan review and approval process. Note that acceptable clearance, from existing ENWIN pole lines and conductors to the proposed development area, must be achieved and maintained. Also, Pollution Control advises that fertilizer use for future landscaping features is not recommended in the Southwood Lakes Drainage Area. The applicant is advised to comply with Canada Post requirements and guidelines noted in their June 25, 2020 comment.

Risk Analysis:


Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:

This amendment will facilitate an infill development, which helps mitigate climate change impacts. The subject site is serviced by public transit and the proposed development is transit-supportive, meaning it will help in reducing carbon foot-print, which positively impacts climate change. The proposed development will promote active transportation by utilizing existing and new sidewalks and bike lanes in the area, thereby, reducing carbon footprint.

Climate Change Adaptation:

As noted already in this report under policy 1.1.1(i) of the PPS, impact of climate change is best addressed at the time of site plan approval when the lot-grading provisions, stormwater management measures, servicing study, landscaping requirements and much more, could be discussed in details and incorporated in the site plan approval and site plan agreement.

Financial Matters:



Appendix D, attached to this report, contains comments from municipal departments and external agencies. There are no objections to the proposed amendment. However, some municipal departments have requirements, which should be addressed at the time of site plan approval.


The City will advertise the official notice in the Windsor Star Newspaper as mandated by the Planning Act.

The City will also mail courtesy notice to all properties within 120m (400 feet) of the subject parcel, prior to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) meeting.

Planner’s Opinion and Conclusion:

Following the evaluation of the materials provided, the applicable polices and provisions, comments from municipal departments and external agents, staff concludes that the request for a change from RD1.1 to CD1.12, must be denied. It is also staff’s conclusion that the request for site-specific zoning provisions for Part 7, 12R-123594 and Block 197, 12M-355 be given