into future plans for the City Hall Square Plaza. Details of its reinstallation will be developed as part of the ongoing design process for the new civic space in City Hall Square. As such, it is recommended that the listing be retained to the following:


The following property is recommended for removal from the Register:

In 2014, Council made the following resolution: “That the request to demolish the Robert Barr House at 3857 Riverside Drive East, listed on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register BE GRANTED and further, that the Downtown Post Office Fence BE REFURBISHED and incorporated as part of the new development in consultation with the Heritage Planner.” For several years, the property had remained vacant after demolition of the building and there has not been a requested removal of reference to the building on the Heritage Register. This technical update will remove the building that no longer exists. The fence in question is already separated listed on the Heritage Register and will remain.