Official Plan:

The Windsor Official Plan includes (9.0) “A community’s identity and civic pride is rooted in physical and cultural links to its past. In order to celebrate Windsor’s rich history, Council is committed to recognizing, conserving and enhancing heritage resources.”

Also, ( “Council will identify Windsor’s heritage resources by: ... (c) Researching and documenting the history and architectural and contextual merit of potential heritage resources on an individual property basis; … maintaining and updating the list of built heritage resources known as the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register”.

Risk Analysis:

There is a risk of quick demolition if the recommended properties are not added to the Municipal Heritage Register. While being on the register does not provide outright protection of heritage resources from demolition, it provides Council with additional time to decide whether to designate a property, as well as the ability for Planning staff to request for heritage sensitive projects if the properties are proposed for redevelopment. The Heritage Register should be kept up-to-date as a reference for property owners, developers, interested persons, and city staff. Also, the Ontario Heritage Act is anticipated to be amended on January 1, 2021, which will allow for property owners to object to being added on the Heritage Register. Therefore, some additions are recommended at this time.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Adaptation: N/A

Financial Matters:

There are no direct costs to private property owners. City costs will be for record keeping and information to the owners.


Michael Fish, Archivist, and Tom Vajdik, Public Service Librarian, City Cultural Affairs Staff (Madelyn DellaValle, Heather Colautti & Melissa Phillips) assisted with the historical information. Heritage Committee Member Mr. Andrew Foote also provided nominations for additions and research information. Administration will send letters to property owners after Council’s decision.


The recommendations for additions, clarification and consolidation, retention and removals of properties on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register will recognize and protect heritage resources in the City of Windsor and keep the Heritage Register current.